
User Support

Hear More, Live Better

1.Moisture-proof & Water-proof

External equipment is most afraid of water! In summer, it is inevitable for children to “sweat profusely” after activities. It is recommended that parents dry the signal processing unit every day; use a soft cloth or a small soft brush to wipe the contacts and body of the accessories to prevent corrosion of the metal contacts caused by sweat stains and poor equipment contact. Please reduce outdoor activities during mildew and rainy seasons to prevent external equipment from getting damp. If the external device is wet by rain, please wipe the device clean as soon as possible and put it in the drying box to dry. Remove your speech processor when applying makeup, powder, or hairspray. You can use Nurotron’s waterproof case when playing in the water.

①Physical drying (desiccant + sealed box)

Other accessories such as coils, wires and batteries are stored in a physical dry box

Speech processors that are removed at night or not in use are placed in a sealed box containing physical desiccant.

Desiccant granules need to be replaced frequently. If chemical desiccants are used, keep them away from children to prevent accidental swallowing.

Avoid direct contact between the dry granules and the machine to prevent the powder in the dry granules from entering the speech processor.

②Electronic drying

Drying through electronic heating is mainly used for drying signal processing units; each drying time is 4 hours; it is recommended to do it once every two days. If there is moisture or rain, the number and time of drying can be increased as appropriate.

Note: Both drying methods are indispensable and should be used together.

The wires cannot be dried using an electronic drying box to avoid accelerating the aging of the outer skin and thus affecting the service life.

Never put batteries into electronic drying boxes to prevent them from exploding.

Storage: When the speech processor is not in use, disconnect the speech processor from the battery, and wipe the speech processor, transmission wires, transmission coils and remote control with a clean cloth;

Long-term humid environment may cause circuit failure of the equipment and prevent it from working properly; place the speech processor and remote control in a special electronic dryer or other sealed box with desiccant.

If the speech processor will not be used for a long time, disconnect the speech processor from the battery and put the speech processor into a sealed plastic bag;

If the remote control is not used for a long time, turn it off. It has a built-in lithium-ion battery and charges it every once in a while to maintain battery activity. It is recommended that once every seven to ten days.



Static electricity can easily cause the signal processing unit program to be lost or confused. Try to avoid entering various environments that are prone to static electricity. Especially need to remove the external equipment on the children’s plastic playgrounds, during the school static electricity experiment projects, etc.

In winter, try to wear cotton clothes. Before touching the machine, discharge static electricity to prevent static electricity from causing program loss or program confusion.



Keep the machine clean and avoid dusty environment; use soft cloth or alcohol cotton with a purity of above 95% to wipe it.

Recommended cleaning frequency: once a day: daily cleaning of the processor, cleaning of the processor battery interface; once every two weeks: cleaning of the microphone protective cover, deep cleaning of the processor battery interface; cleaning of magnets, coils and wire interfaces;

Cleaning tools: alcohol, clean cotton cloth, soft brush, blower, etc.

Cleaning method: Keep each battery contact clean. Use a cotton ball or cotton swab soaked in alcohol to gently wipe the battery contacts. Do not use too much force to avoid damaging the battery contacts.

When cleaning the surface of the signal processing unit, wipe it gently with an alcohol cotton pad, and be careful to prevent liquid from penetrating into the signal processing unit; frequent cleaning of the surface will prevent dust from entering the signal processing unit.

Use a small brush and a blower to clean the microphone hole.


4.Device Protection

Do not hang the signal processing unit, do not pull or bite the machine.


5.Microphone Cover Replacement

In order to prevent the microphone from being affected by dust and moisture and avoid the deterioration of the listening effect, it is recommended that customers replace it after 3 months of use or when the listening quality deteriorates.


6.Battery Maintenance

The recipient needs to fully charge the rechargeable battery when using it for the first time. If the rechargeable battery is left unused for more than a month, it is recommended to charge it once a month, otherwise the service life of the battery may be affected. When drying the machine, do not put lithium batteries in the electronic drying box to prevent explosion. Do not charge more than 12 hours to prevent overcharging.


7.Magnet Maintenance

In summer, the magnet needs to be rotated every day to prevent the magnet from getting stuck due to sweat.



Yes! All Nurotron implants can also undergo standard MRIs of 1.5 Tesla. When having an MRI with any Nurotron cochlear implant, please contact the after-sales personnel of Nurotron Company, and we will inform you of the relevant precautions and protective measures.

X-ray as a medical imaging examination will not cause harm to the implant, and the external parts should be removed.

When flying, the speech processor is similar to a computer and has a built-in radio frequency transmitter and needs to be turned off when required. You should inform airline staff about your hearing impairment so that they can remind you of relevant safety measures.

Electronic item monitors (such as supermarkets). Some cochlear implant recipients may experience sound distortion when passing through or approaching these devices. To avoid this, the processor can be turned off when approaching such devices, despite the implant. It is unlikely that the patient will cause an alarm, but the recipient’s identification card should be carried for explanation.

Metal detectors (such as airports) will cause strong magnetic fields. If the recipient passes through this system, the material of the implant will cause the metal detector to alarm. The recipient should carry the cochlear implant ID card with him.

The induction cooker uses electromagnetic fields to transmit energy. As long as the recipient is at an appropriate distance, the energy will not be transmitted to the recipient.

No, electroconvulsive therapy can cause damage to the implant or surrounding tissue.

No, a large amount of current may be induced into the electrode and cause tissue damage or implant damage. Medical diathermy using ultrasound may be used in areas below the head and neck.